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Change or reset my Microsoft 365 password

If you lost or forgot your Microsoft 365 password, you can change or reset it. Send a password reset email to yourself (using another email address associated with your account), or to the account administrator.

If you’re the account administrator, change your password directly.

  1. Go to your Microsoft 365Microsoft 365 sign-in page.
  2. Under Sign In, select the password link.
    Need to find your password?
  3. Enter your email address and select Continue.
  4. Choose an account and select Send Email. A password reset email will be sent in a few minutes.

Note: If you don’t have access to another email account, select the account administrator option. A password reset request will be sent to the account administrator who can give you a temporary password.

  1. Open the email and select Reset Your Password.
    Under Password reset information, Reset Your Password button
  2. Enter a New password and Confirm password, and then select Submit. You can now sign in to your account with your new password!

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