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Cheap Domain Names and Web Hosting in Singapore

.xxx Domain Names

Spice up your online presence with .xxx

Available now! For only

SG$143.99 / yr

.xxx Domain Names

Spice up your online presence with .xxx

Available now! For only

SG$143.99 / yr

.xxx Domain Names

Spice up your online presence with .xxx

Available now! For only

SG$143.99 / yr

Start your .xxx domain search now.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2024 * No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2023!
No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Start your .xxx domain search now.

Why choose .xxx?

XXX is a well-known and widely promoted brand. Registrants will benefit from global marketing campaigns that will raise awareness around the world. This extension is unique in that it can help you brand your website in a way that no other extension can. 

Visitors to .XXX sites should feel safe and secure knowing that the website content is being examined by McAfee malware on a regular basis. This will result in more traffic and repeat visits, which will lead to a higher conversion rate of visitors into paying clients.

Minds and Machines is the sponsor and Uniregistry is the backend provider for the .XXX domain.

Who can register .XXX domains?

The .XXX top-level domain name provides an easily identifiable extension for the adult entertainment industry, its consumers, and those who want to avoid it.

Community Members

After you register a .XXX domain name, you must complete the ICM Registry’s free membership application process before your domain name can resolve to the internet. Within 24 hours of purchasing a .XXX domain name, the registry will email you information to complete this process. The registry might request additional documentation to validate the membership. After the registry validates the membership, you must submit your membership credentials (ID) to us.

Once you have a membership ID, you can use it for all .XXX domain names you register. You do not need a separate membership ID for each .XXX domain name.

Important Notice: For general information on how to manage your Membership ID, see “Managing Your .XXX Membership ID” under the “More Info” section below. If you should lose or forget your membership ID, log in to the ICM Registry website as a member to recover it.

Non-Members (Defensive Registrations)

Applicants outside the sponsored adult entertainment community can purchase defensive registrations to block domain names from becoming .XXX domain names on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants with defensive registrations must pay to register the domain names but are not required to complete the ICM Registry’s membership application process. Instead, the registry places those domain names on non-resolving nameservers.

Registration restrictions

When registering a .XXX domain, you must follow specific requirements.

  • Must use: 1-63 characters
  • Can use: Letters (a-z characters), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (except in the 3rd or 4th characters of the domain name)
  • Cannot use: Special characters (e.g., & and #)
  • IDNs: Supported



For details on refunds, see our refund policy . Most domains will follow the Standard Refund Terms, but certain domains may have exceptions or may not be refundable at all. Review the information under Products with Special Refund Terms > Domain Name Registrations/Renewals and Products Not Eligible for Refunds.

Nameserver requirements

  • Must use: 1-13 nameservers
    • You can use any valid nameservers with .XXX domain names. If you have a defensive registration to block a domain name from becoming an .XXX domain name or you have purchased your .XXX domain during the Sunrise B phase, you cannot manage your domain nameservers.
  • Can useDNSSEC, IPv4, IPV6

Register your .xxx domain today!

The. xxx top-level domain (TLD) was created to give trusted domain names for adult-themed websites while also encouraging safe and responsible online conduct.

To view, more information on the .xxx registration restrictions and requirements view our handy help article.

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