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Cheap Domain Names and Web Hosting in Singapore

.ltd Domain Names

Define your business with .ltd

Available now! For only

SG$33.99 / yr

.ltd Domain Names

Define your business with .ltd

Available now! For only

SG$33.99 / yr

.ltd Domain Names

Define your business with .ltd

Available now! For only

SG$33.99 / yr

Start your .ltd domain search now.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2024 * No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2023!
No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Start your .ltd domain search now.

Why choose .ltd?

.ltd is short for ‘limited’, it tells your visitors that your business is a limited liability company. There are millions of online businesses on the web right now, if you are a limited company, it is worth registering the .ltd domain to help differentiate yourself from all the other competitors in your industry.

Businesses whose names end in ‘ltd’ or ‘limited’ can use this domain extension to simplify and reduce the length of their web address, this creates a more memorable and relevant URL for your business, for example instead of you can have, the second option is far superior and more relevant to the brand.

Get yours today!

With hundreds of new domain extensions making their way on to the web, finding the perfect extension to fit your business is easier than ever before. Your business’ name holds a reputation, you understand the importance of brand image. Keep your branding consistent and ensure your business name is represented accurately online. Register your .ltd domain today.

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