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Cheap Domain Names and Web Hosting in Singapore

.kr Domain Names

.kr - for the Republic of Korea.

Available now! For only

SG$20.99 / yr

.kr Domain Names

.kr - for the Republic of Korea.

Available now! For only

SG$20.99 / yr

.kr Domain Names

.kr - for the Republic of Korea.

Available now! For only

SG$20.99 / yr

Start your .kr domain search now.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2024 * No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Lowest Domain Prices in singapore 2023!
No hidden 2 year sign ups.

Start your .kr domain search now.

Why choose .kr?

As the Republic of Korea’s official country-code domain. For the 40 million or more Koreans who use the internet to learn, interact, and purchase, .kr has a unique meaning.

Half of all web users over the age of 12 shop online, spending an average of 60,200 Won each month on goods, services, and reservations, according to the Korean Internet and Security Agency (KISA).

Register your .kr domain today!

When it hosted the Seoul Summit in 2010, the Republic of Korea became the first Asian country to chair the G20. It now has a higher international profile than it has ever had.

As a result, visitors from China, the Middle East, and Europe have been arriving in large numbers.

Airlines, hotels, travel brokers, museums, gift stores, and transportation services that serve overnight visitors can all benefit from .kr unique web addresses.
Whether you own a restaurant in Myeong-dong or a city tour company in Busan, registering a .kr domain can help you attract tourists. 

Find out about information required to register a .kr domain name.

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