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Edit content in a site section

You can change the content and appearance of your website’s sections at any time to meet your needs.

  1. Log in to your ELITE WEB Co. account and open your product. (Need help opening your product?)
  2. Click Edit Site.
  3. To change any section, click the part of the section you want to change.
    click section to change
  4. That part is immediately highlighted in the right panel, where you can make your changes.
    section highlighted
  5. Your changes are immediately reflected in the section itself.
    section updates
  6. To change other section items or sections, repeat Steps 2-4.
  7. Your changes are saved automatically so when you’re finished, click Preview to see the results, and, if you like, use another of your domains or buy a new one.
  8. When you’re ready to make the changes public, click Publish Site or Publish.

Next step

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