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Add or replace photo

Great photos encourage visitors to explore your site, and you have access to a huge library of royalty-free images searchable by keywords. In addition, upload your own photos formatted as .png or .jpeg/.jpg files. Gifs and animated gif files will not work. While files can be as large as 30MB, smaller files download faster.

 Note: To add or change product photos in your Website Builder Online Store, see Add physical products.

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll down to Website Builder and select Manage next to the website you want to change.
  3. Select Edit Site.
  4. Select the photo you want to replace.
    • To add or replace your cover image or color background (the first section on your Home page), click or tap anywhere in the section. When the Header panel opens, click Cover Media.
      Select header, then Cover Media
    • Anywhere else on your site, select the image. (You can’t do this in some sections, such as the map in Contact Us, or in the Footer sections.)
  5. In the right panel, either Replace image or Add image.
  6. Select from recently added images, royalty-free stock images, collections, social media images, and more. In the upper right corner, search for key words or upload a new image. The key word searches both your own uploaded images or stock images. Once you’ve chosen your image, select Insert.
  7. Edit the photo by selecting the zoom slider or rotate buttons. In some cases, use the dot to set the photo’s focus point. Use the black and white toggle to create a dramatic effect.
  8. Enter a short description in the Describe this image box. The info not only improves your page’s search engine rank, but also helps site visitors using screen readers or slower connections.
  9. When you finish editing, select Done.
  10. When you’re finished, remember to publish my site.

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