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Add drop-down menu for my website

Drop-down menus in your website’s navigation bar are a great way to group pages and help visitors discover them — without having to click their way to each one. It also helps keep your navigation bar more compact.

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll to Website Builder and select Manage next to your website to open your site.
  3. Select Edit Website or Edit Site to open your website builder.
  4. In the Site Navigation menu, select Add a new section + icon Add Page as if you were adding a new page. Then select Dropdown menu.
  5. Write your Menu Title (required field). Keep your navigation bar simple with short, clear names.
  6. Select which page(s) should be added under your menu. If you don’t want to choose any existing pages now, you can add a page and reorder pages at any time

Note: When reordering pages, if you want to add items to an empty drop-down menu, then change the empty drop-down menu’s page settings and select Menu Settings.

  1. When you’re finished, select Create Menu.
  2. Your changes are saved automatically. Use Preview to see the results and when you’re ready to make the changes public, publish your site.

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