Choose another country or region to see content specific to your location and shop online.

Add physical products

Add physical products to your online store, including detailed descriptions, prices, photos, SKUs, categories and shipping info. You can also add downloadable digital products.

Note: Add up to 5,000 products to your online store in any combination of physical and digital products. You can export your products or import products from a CSV file. 

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll to Website Builder and select Manage next to your site.
  3. From your Dashboard, go to Store > Products.
  4. Select Add or Add Product.
  5. Enter a Product name and a Price, which are required fields.
  6. Fill in the optional remaining fields as needed:
    • Sale price: Shows sale price with regular price crossed out.
    • Tax category: Choose the tax category best for your product. If necessary, add or change tax category rates
    • Visible on my store: Use the toggle to show or hide the product on your store. You might set it to No to hide seasonal items or if you plan to display multiple products simultaneously later.
    • SKU: Enter a unique SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number to track your inventory and manage related invoices. Use any numbering scheme you like.
    • Categories: Help customers find items by creating categories, such as clothing, housewares or toys.
  7. Select Add Image or drop an image file on the box. Images are optional but highly recommended.
  8. Use the tabs to add more details or options for your product.
    • Description: Add details about the product.
    • Inventory & Options: Track available supplies and offer customers product choices, such as size and color. Each option can have its own unique price and inventory count.
    • ShippingAdd package shipping weight and dimensions for when you add general shipping options. (Any shipping options you add here directly to the product will overwrite general shipping options.)
    • Search Engines: Automatically adds a direct link to this product, which you can change if you like. 
  9. Select Save when you’re done or Save and Add Another to keep adding products. Your store listings are updated immediately.

Note: You may add up to 10 images. Images must use .jpg, .jpeg or .png format, and can’t exceed 10MB each. Gif images are not supported. While images can be up to 5000 by 5000 pixels, their maximum display will be 1920 by 1080 pixels.

You’ll return to the Products page where you can make additional changes.

  • Select Quick Edit to edit all your products at once. 
  • Select the three dots to create a social media post about your item, duplicate your product or remove it entirely. Use the checkboxes to select multiple products for removal.

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