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Why can’t I see my ports in the Email Setup Center?

Home / Help Centre / Uncategorized / Why can’t I see my ports in the Email Setup Center?

The first time you access the Email Setup Center, you will be asked to accept the application’s digital signature. The applet is needed for checking your computer’s ports with the Email Setup Center.

Checking available ports for email can be necessary because Internet Service Providers (ISPs) occasionally choose to restrict ports. Generally, they are closed to stop spam from being sent through their network and avoid accompanying fines for letting spam be sent.

If you canceled the digital signature applet, you need to clear your browser’s cache. For more information, see Clear my browser’s cache.

If you are using Internet Explorer® 9 with an older version of Java, your browser might crash. To download the latest version of Java, go to

 Note: If no ports are available, contact your Internet Service Provider.

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