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Update domain name offerings sold on my reseller storefront

Your reseller storefront includes all top-level domain names (TLDs) and international TLDs (ccTLDs) by default. You can opt in or out of offering and transferring specific domain names.

  1. Sign in to your Reseller Control Center (use your ELITEWEB.Co username and password).
  2. Select Pricing.
  3. Under Domains, select Top Level Domains.
  4. To opt in and offer registration or transfer of specific TLDs, select its checkboxes. Or, to opt out, clear its checkboxes. Your changes will save automatically and will display on your storefront within an hour.

When you set prices for domains, you might notice some are priced higher than others. Generally, when a domain registry considers a domain more popular or valuable, it’s set at a higher price.

 Note: Some ccTLDs are not available for transfer or compatible with custom nameservers.

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