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Request delegate access to my reseller customer accounts

Use delegate access to manage your customer accounts without needing any passwords. You already have access to your customer accounts and discount customer accounts by default. You only need to request access to an account if it’s revoked or if you want to make purchases with the account.

 Required: To access your customer’s account, you need two-step authentication enabled on your ELITEWEB.Co account.

  1. Sign in to your Reseller Control Center (use your ELITEWEB.Co username and password).
  2. Select Reports > Customer Lookup.
  3. For the account you want to access, select the customer Name.
  4. Select Request Access, then select your preferred access level. Your customer will receive an email to approve your request.

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Reseller login

If you’re a reseller, use the button below to sign in. (your reseller account is separate to your regular account)

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