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Selling Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy

As a GoDaddy reseller, you can sell a wide spectrum of products with Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy.

Per partner agreement with Microsoft, the product is called Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy. This means that your customers will see GoDaddy branding in a few places of their Microsoft 365 experience (for example, the product name, their cart and payment screens, welcome emails, Help articles, etc.). This branding can’t be altered or removed.

Opt in to sell Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy

If you’re interested in selling Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy, you can opt in through the Reseller Control Center. Due to restrictions in our agreement with Microsoft, you can’t set custom prices for Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy. For more information, see the Reseller Agreement.

Once you opt in, Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy will be the only email offering for customers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Customers who are currently using Workspace Email can continue to use and renew it, or they can choose to switch by purchasing Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy.

Requirements for custom storefronts

If you plan to sell Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy on a custom storefront, there are a few requirements:

  1. Any advertising or custom page that sells Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy must include at least one of the following:
    • The full verbiage of “Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy.”
    • The logo and a link to the Reseller Agreement, which explains GoDaddy’s involvement in the product purchase.
  2. If you’d like to use a logo image, you must use one of these official logo options. These images can’t be altered for your storefront.
  3. Microsoft 365 must be the only email offering on your website if your customer is in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada or Australia.

Note: Changed your mind? Contact our GoDaddy Guides to opt out of selling Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy. The product won’t be sold on your storefront, but customers that already purchased the product from your store can still use and renew it without interruption.

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