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Edit products in my Reseller Store plugin

The Reseller Store plugin imports the product catalog with your prices. You can edit your products in the plugin to change their names, descriptions and other features.

Note: Some products can only be sold in specific markets, and won’t appear if your account is setup for a different market. For example, Professional Email isn’t available in the U.S. market, so it won’t appear if your plug-in is set to the U.S.

  1. Sign in to your ELITEWEB.Co account and open your product. (Need help opening your product?)
  2. From your WordPress Dashboard, select Reseller Store.
    Click Reseller Store
  3. Hover over a product name and select Edit.
  4. You can edit the product name, description, add to cart button, search field, if it goes directly to cart for checkout or stays on the page.
  5. Select Update. Any newly added ELITEWEB.Co products will automatically be added to your products.

Reseller login

If you’re a reseller, use the button below to sign in. (your reseller account is separate to your regular account)

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