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Change my subscription payment method

You can change the payment method for your subscriptions or products, such as switching from one credit card to another one. The process is the same whether you auto-renew or manually renew your product.

  1. Go to your ELITEWEB.Co. Renewals & Billing page. You might be prompted to log in.
  2. Under Subscriptions, select the products that use the payment method you want to change. The description for each product includes the last 4 digits of the card or account for the current payment method.
  3. Select Update Payment.
  4. A list of your available payment methods appears. Select the payment method you want to use.
    • If you want to add a new payment method, select New Payment Method and add the payment details. When you’re ready, select Save to add the new payment method to the list.
  5. Select Update Payment Method to apply the new payment method you’ve selected.

Reseller login

If you’re a reseller, use the button below to sign in. (your reseller account is separate to your regular account)

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