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Add a hardware security key for 2SV (two-step verification)

For the best available account security, enable a hardware security key for two-step verification (2SV). We support USB or Bluetooth-enabled keys that meet the FIDO U2F standard, such as many Yubikeys or Google Titan.

 Note: If you use a security key, you need a backup method so Support can verify your identity. We recommend an authenticator app for much better security than SMS messaging. For info on setting up the app, see Enable two-step verification.

  1. Go to your ELITEWEB.Co. Login & PIN page. You might be prompted to log in if you’re not already.
  2. In the 2-Step Verification section, click Add Verification.
  3. Below How do you want to receive verification codes, select Security key and then click Next. Have your security key nearby, but don’t connect it yet.
    click security key
  4. Click Next and then follow the onscreen instructions. Once we verify your key, you’ll see a success message.
  5. Click Add Back Up.
  6. Below Choose your additional verification method, select Authenticator app.
  7. Click Next and follow the onscreen instructions to set up the app as your backup authentication method.

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