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Accept an invitation to access another person’s ELITEWEB.Co account

If you receive an email from ELITEWEB.Co. saying that someone has invited you to access an account, it means that person wants you to help manage their ELITEWEB.Co account and products.

This delegate access allows you to open and use products in the other person’s account without needing to know the account passwords. For more information, see What is delegate access?

  1. In the email you received, click Accept Access.
  2. Log in to your ELITEWEB.Co. account.
    If you don’t have an account with us already, click Create an account at the bottom of the page. You must have an account before you can accept the invitation.
  3. Click Confirm Access. The account you’ve been invited to access is added to your Accounts I can access list.

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Reseller login

If you’re a reseller, use the button below to sign in. (your reseller account is separate to your regular account)

New customer

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