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Why my business Information may be rejected

ELITE WEB Co. Marketing’s service helps you get your local business listed on Google search and maps. However, Google has some restrictions on what type of business information it accepts.

When you submit your information, we review your business information to ensure that it’s accurate and meets our partner guidelines. Upon review, your business information may be reformatted to meet these guidelines. Our goal is to ensure that the information you provide represents your business in a way that is appropriate for a local search site, so that your business attracts the most customers.

 Note: This service is only available for Premium and Ecommerce plans within the United States.

Invalid Business Information

To use ELITE WEB Co. Marketing’s Google My Business service, your business must have a valid USPS mailing address, a non-toll-free local phone number, and qualify as an eligible business. A ELITE WEB Co. data quality representative may contact you to correct any errors in your business information. It will not be published to our partner sites until all issues are corrected. Here are some common errors that our partners will not accept:

Invalid Addresses

The addresses you provide must be locations you own or can legally represent. Addresses for commercial mail receiving agencies will not be accepted.

Types of Invalid Addresses

  • Addresses belonging to another business with which you are not affiliated
  • P.O. box addresses.
  • Post offices or mailing facilities.
  • Addresses not in the USPS Database. (If you have new or unregistered addresses, visit your local post office and ask that they be added to the national USPS database.)

Invalid Phone Numbers

You must provide an active local, non-toll-free number to use ELITE WEB Co. Marketing’s Google My Business service. Phone numbers should direct customers to your business and be reachable during operating hours. Do not provide numbers that redirect or “refer” customers to third-party services.

Types of Invalid Phone Numbers

  • Phone numbers that do not connect to your business.
  • Toll-free phone numbers. (Area Code/Prefix of 800, 855, 866, 877, 888. etc.)
  • Inactive phone numbers. 

Note: All ELITE WEB Co. Marketing’s Google My Business applicants receive verification calls during their posted business hours to maintain accurate business information. Businesses that cannot be reached and verified may be rejected.

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