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Publish a signup form on your website

You can add your signup form to your website, in just a few easy steps.

  1. If you haven’t already, log in to your Email Marketing account. (Need help logging in?)
  2. Click Signup Forms at the top of your page.
  3. Click Edit under the form you want to add to your site.

Note: If you haven’t created one yet, you will need to create a new form.

4. Click the Embed button at the top of the form editing page.
5. Here you have 3 options for how to embed your form

Embed optionDescription
Styled EmbedThis option uses an iframe to show your form exactly as you have styled it, and how it shows on the form editing page. If you have uploaded a header image for your form, or want to use the header color you selected, this option is for you.

 Note: If you change the number under Adjust the width of your form, make sure to click the check mark button, after you make the change. Then copy the code, after you’ve clicked the check mark button.
Plain EmbedThis option is best if you want only the basic HTML and javascript, but nothing else. If you want your form to take on the style settings of your website, or you want to make any custom changes to the code, this is your option.
Side Tab EmbedThis option is similar to the Styled Embed, but puts a button on the left side of your website. When the button is clicked, the signup form pops up in the middle of the page. You can also decide if you want the form to pop up automatically, after a certain amount of time. To see a live example with your settings, click Try it out!

6. Once you select an embed version, click in the code window, and copy all the code.
7. Paste the code into your site editor, wherever you want your sign-up form to be published.
8. Save your changes to your site, and re-publish if necessary.

If you are using the Styled Embed code, and the form is getting cut off, you can try removing some fields to make it fit into the iframe. Or, use the Plain Embed option.

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