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Customize my Advanced Email Security add-on

Once you sign in to the Advanced Email Security add-on, customize your settings to meet your preferences.

Use Security Settings to modify how you’d like to filter email and prevent malicious content.

Security SettingsWhat you can do…
Filter PoliciesCreate rules on how your email is encrypted.
Sender ListsEdit safe and blocked senders.
Spam SettingsEdit spam settings.
URL DefenseScan email links for viruses and phishing attempts.
Attachment DefenseList individual email addresses whose attachments don’t need to be scanned for malicious content.

Use Administration to manage your account settings and users.

AdministrationWhat you can do…
DigestsManage quarantine digest emails, what they include, and when and how frequently they’re sent.
AlertsGet notifications if mail is unable to be delivered.
BrandingCustomize your branding and logo.
SMTP DiscoveryMonitor email sent using your domain name.

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