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Change a Microsoft 365 password

Manage your Microsoft 365 password from the Email & Office Dashboard. If you’re the ELITEWEB.Co account owner, you can also change user passwords, such as to reset the password for an employee.

Account owner

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your ELITEWEB.Co username and password). If you forgot your ELITEWEB.Co account password, here’s how to reset it.
  2. Under Users, select Manage next to the email address.
  3. Under Manage, select Password.
  4. Enter a New Password and enter it again in Confirm password (or generate a temporary password).
  5. Select Save. Password changes can take up to 30 minutes to update.

Email user

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your email address and password). If you forgot your email password, reset it from the Microsoft 365 sign-in page.
  2. Under Manage, select Password.
  3. Enter your Current Password, a New Password, and enter the new password again in Confirm password.
  4. Select Save. Password changes can take up to 30 minutes to update.

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Reseller login

If you’re a reseller, use the button below to sign in. (your reseller account is separate to your regular account)

New customer

New to ELITEWEB.Co? Create an account to get started today.

Registered users

Have an account? Sign in now.