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Create a Microsoft 365 email alias

Home / Help Center / Microsoft 365 help / Create a Microsoft 365 email alias

An email alias is an additional address that redirects emails to a single inbox. You can create up to 400 aliases.

Learn more about aliases and how to use them.

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your ELITE WEB Co. username and password).
  2. Go to Microsoft 365 Admin and select Email Aliases.
  3. Select Add Alias.
  4. Select the user from the box (if you have one email address, it’s selected by default).
  5. Add your new alias to the Enter Alias box and select Save.

You’ll see your new email alias listed on the Email aliases page. You can come here at any point to add additional aliases, or to edit or delete them.

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Microsoft 365 email

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