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SignTool: Sign Windows code with a code signing certificate

After you’ve created your PFX file, you can sign your code with Microsoft SignTool.

Our code signing certificates work with the following types of Windows-based files:

  • EXE
  • DLL
  • OCX
  • CAB 

Note: For CAB files, space should be allocated for the digital signature by adding the following entry to your DDF file before creating the cab file: Set ReservePerCabinetSize=6144.

Use SignTool to sign your code

  1. Install SignTool using Microsoft’s information. This involves downloading and installing Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).
  2. Launch cmd.
  3. Sign your file:

SignTool sign /f path to your PFX file /p your PFX file password /tr /td SHA256 path to the code you want to sign

Note: You must use the time stamp authority.

Next step

  • Start distributing your newly signed file to your users

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