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Change section layouts

You can change the layout used for any section. The layouts are tailored for each section type, whether it’s a header, photo gallery or subscribe section.

  1. Log in to your ELITE WEB Co. account and open your product.(Need help logging in?)
  2. Select Edit Site.
  3. Select the section whose layout you want to change, select Layout at the top right.

Note: Use the Accent buttons to change the background color and the Alignment buttons to change the section’s text.

  1. Select the Layout arrow
  2. Select the > in the Layout panel, scroll through the layouts and select the one you like.

Note: To change the layout for another section, repeat Steps 3-4.

  1. Select Done and your changes are saved automatically.
  2. When you’re finished, select Preview to see the result.
  3. If you’re happy with the results, select Publish Site or Publish.

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Registration for resellers

If you are a reseller, you can sign up using the button below. (your reseller account is separate from your regular account)

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