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Schedule a time to send emails

You can compose a Workspace Webmail message and schedule to send it at a specific time.

For example, you decide to have a limited-time discount on one of your products. You want to send an email message about the discount to your customers who have said they would like to receive email messages from your company. The sale starts Sunday, and today is Monday. You can compose the email message now and specify to have it sent on Friday, two days before the sale begins.

Follow the steps below for either, Classic View or Updated View.

Classic View

  1. In Workspace Webmail, click Compose.
  2. Compose your email message as you normally would, including entering the email addresses of your recipients in the To field and entering the subject line for your message in the Subject field.
  3. When you are finished composing your email message, click Schedule Delivery.
  4. In the Send Email On field, select the month, date, year, and time you want to send the message.
  5. Click OK.
  6. (Optional) To change the time zone for the scheduled send time, click the time zone hyperlink, select a new time zone from the list, then click Update.

Updated View

  1. In Workspace Webmail, click Compose Email.
  2. Compose your email message as you normally would, including entering the email addresses of your recipients in the To field and entering the subject line for your message in the Subject field.
  3. When you are finished composing your email message, click Send Options.
  4. In the Sending Options window, select Later and then enter the month, date, year, and time you want to send the message.
  5. Click Send.

For more information, see Composing Email Messages.

Registration for resellers

If you are a reseller, you can sign up using the button below. (your reseller account is separate from your regular account)

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