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I forgot my username

Follow these steps to see your ELITEWEB.Co. username if you forgot it but still know your password.

Required: If you have a ELITEWEB.Co. domain name in your account, you’ll need to know it to recover your username.

  1. Go to the Retrieve Username page.
  2. Enter the Email address for the account and click Continue. Complete the security challenge if it’s offered.
  3. If you have a ELITEWEB.Co. domain name, in the Domain URL box, enter any domain name that’s associated with the account (for example, and then click Filter. We’ll immediately send a one-time-use PIN to the account email address.
  4. In the Verification Code box, enter the PIN we sent you and then click Continue. We’ll show your username.

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Registration for resellers

If you are a reseller, you can sign up using the button below. (your reseller account is separate from your regular account)

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