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Change a customer’s existing appointment or event

Sometimes life happens, and you need to change a customer’s appointment or event time.

 Note: You can only change to a different time and date of that type of appointment or repeating event. To change event types, see add a customer to an existing online appointment or event. One-time events can’t be changed to a different time or date, because they only happen once.

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll down to Website Builder and select Manage next to the website you want to change.
  3. In the Dashboard, go to Appointments > Calendar. You’ll see a list of all the upcoming appointments and events.
  4. Open the customer’s booking.
    • If it is a repeating event, select an item to see details about that event. Then select a customer to see the customer’s details.
    • For appointments, select the appointment to see the customer’s details.

Note: Select the customer’s name to update their name and contact information, or to add notes about the customer.

5. For appointments and repeating events, select Edit Booking to change appointments to a different time or date.

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