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Create an admin user in the WordPress database

You can create a new WordPress admin user from within the database. Use this method if your original admin user was corrupted or deleted.

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin (cPanel / Plesk / Web Hosting / Managed WordPress). 

Note: If you’re using cPanel Hosting, you must select the database for your WordPress site in the left column before continuing to the next step.

  1. In the left menu, select the wp_users table.
  2. Select Insert.

Enter the following:

FieldWhat it is…
IDAny number that isn’t already used by another user
user_loginUsername for accessing the WordPress dashboard
user_passPassword for this user Note: Make sure to select MD5 in the functions menu.
user_nicenameThe nickname for this user
user_emailEmail address for this user
user_registeredDate and time this user was registered
user_statusSet this to 0
display_nameName that will display for this user
  1. Select Go.
  2. Select the wp_usermeta table.
  3. Select Insert.
FieldWhatit is…
user_idEnter the ID from step 4
meta_keyEnter wp_capabilities Note: For Managed WordPress accounts or custom database table prefixes, include the prefix (e.g. wp_coolPrefix_capabilities).
Enter the following: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;}
  1. Select Go.
  2. Select the Insert tab again.
FieldWhat it is…
user_idEnter the ID from step 4
meta_keyEnter wp_user_level Note: For Managed WordPress accounts or custom database table prefixes, include the prefix (e.g. wp_coolPrefix_user_level).
meta_valueEnter the number 10
  1. Select Go.

The admin user is now ready to log in with their username and password.

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