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Customize my Contact Us section

The Contact Us section is a powerful tool for establishing a connection with your customers. Use it to show your address and location, hours, email, phone number and WhatsApp information.

Customers can even submit a form, including attachments. When a customer completes the form, we scan it for viruses and malware and then it arrives to an email you designate.

 Note: Customers can attach up to 10 files. Each file must be less than 10 MB and the total size of all attachments must be less than 15MB. Customers may send the following file types:

• Media: .jpg, jpeg, .jpe, .png, .gif, .mp4, .m4a, .vid, .qt, .mov, .mpeg, .mpga, .mp2, .mp2a, .mp3, .m2a, .m3a, .msvideo, .ogg, .3gpp, .webm, .webp, .flac, .wav, .tiff, .mkv, .mk3d and .mks.
• Docs: .doc, .docx, .dot, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .odt, .potx, .ppsx, .pdf, .txt, .text, .conf, .def, .list, .log, .in and .ini.
• Other: .zip, .otf, .woff and .woff2.

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll to Website Builder and select Manage next to the website you want to change.
  3. Select Edit Webite or Edit Site to open your site editor.
  4. Select your Contact Us section. If you don’t have a Contact Us section, or would like to add another Contact Us section, go to the page and location you want and add a section.
  5. Use the toggles in the editor menu on the right to show or hide different elements of the Contact Us form such as Layout, Accent color, WhatsApp, etc.
    • Select the layout you want and select Add. Change the layout at any time.
    • When the WhatsApp chat button is toggled on, enter your WhatsApp number.
    • When the Contact Form is toggled on, enter the email where you want form submissions to be sent.
  6. Modify your TitleHeadingDescription, and contact information as needed. Any fields left blank are removed from your form, and restored whenever text is added.
  7. Your changes are saved automatically. Select Done to return to the section level above your current section.
  8. Use Preview to see the results on desktop and mobile. When you’re ready to make the changes public, publish your site.

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Registration for resellers

If you are a reseller, you can sign up using the button below. (your reseller account is separate from your regular account)

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