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Add downloadable files and PDF viewer

Upload files to your site, which visitors can then download for offline use. This can be handy for sharing such things as fliers, medical forms, liability waivers and music samples, just to name a few uses. You must have a Basic or above plan.

Nearly 50 file formats are supported, including Microsoft Word and other text documents, PDFs (Portable Document Files), spreadsheets and more than 20 just for images and videos. The list is constantly growing.

 Note: Each file can be no larger than 50 MB. You can add up to 15 files in the section. If you need more, create another Files section.

  1. Go to your ELITE WEB Co. product page.
  2. Scroll down to Website Builder and select Manage next to the website you want to change.
  3. Select Edit Site.
  4. Go to the page and location you want to add your downloadable files, and add a section.
    • Search for the Files section if you’d like a list of files to appear or if you have various file types (documents, spreadsheets, images, or PDFs).
    • Search for the PDF Viewer section if you want to display your PDF directly on your page for people to see before they download it.
  5. Once you choose your layout, select Add to insert the new section.
  6. Customize the accent color, title, and description.
    • For Files, select Add to add a file. Repeat this step to add more files to your site
    • For the PDF Viewer, select Upload File to add your PDF. The PDF Viewer can only upload one file. 

Note: To rename a file, click it in the list and change it in the File Label field. You won’t be able to change the file type in parentheses. That’s important to let people know what type of file they’re downloading.

  1. Your changes are saved automatically. When you’re finished, select Preview to see the results. Publish your site to make your changes visible to your visitors.

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