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PHP upload limits on shared hosting

Your default PHP upload limit depends on the type of hosting account you have (What type of hosting account do I have?).

TypeDefault upload limitMax
Managed WordPress100MB192MB

Change your PHP upload limit

To change the limitation, edit or add the following values in your PHP initialization file (What filename does my PHP initialization file need to use?).

file_uploads = On
post_max_size = 50M
upload_max_filesize = 50M

The above settings change your PHP upload limit, allowing you to upload files up to 50MB in size.

Maximum upload limits

The upload limit does not guarantee an upload will complete — only that it isn’t rejected by the server.

Uploads beneath the limit can still fail because of:

  • Upload speed, which can cause timeouts from your PHP script or your browser
  • Your account’s resource availability, which can cause large files to fail

Registration for resellers

If you are a reseller, you can sign up using the button below. (your reseller account is separate from your regular account)

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